Non-Profit Data Collaboration for Community Prosperity
Non-profit data collaboration involves working together to enable the use of data to effectively address our agency and community needs; improve service delivery and program design; influence policy development; and stress accountability to donors, volunteers, and the public. Optimal use of our data can impact not only how we provide services and channel our resources, but our ability to secure funds to remain sustainable.
This program consists of two phases:
1 - Enabling us to use our data/information more effectively
2 - Supporting the inclusion of Non-profit data in government policy
This program consists of two phases:
1 - Enabling us to use our data/information more effectively
2 - Supporting the inclusion of Non-profit data in government policy
Phase #1 Enabling us to use our data/information more effectively
We all collect data. Most of us have demographic data (how many people we serve, age groups, etc.) readily available. We use this info to promote the need for our services and to express why we need continued funding.
Imagine what we could learn if we were able to take our demographic data and link it to other data sets like census data for example...or the many survey report data that are available.
This is where THE HUB comes in. The City of Fredericton will be creating an online caused based "HUB". The HUB will be available to NPOs and will be private/secure. All agencies that address specific issues will be able to connect with each other based on their cause and share information. When the time comes that you want to do some analysis or require some cool data visualization, you will be able to partner with the volunteers at Civic Tech who can either do the analysis for you or show you how to do it.
Imagine what we could learn if we were able to take our demographic data and link it to other data sets like census data for example...or the many survey report data that are available.
This is where THE HUB comes in. The City of Fredericton will be creating an online caused based "HUB". The HUB will be available to NPOs and will be private/secure. All agencies that address specific issues will be able to connect with each other based on their cause and share information. When the time comes that you want to do some analysis or require some cool data visualization, you will be able to partner with the volunteers at Civic Tech who can either do the analysis for you or show you how to do it.
Phase #2 - Supporting the inclusion of Non-profit data in government policy
As many of you know our provincial government has started the process of breaking down silos between government departments. They are de-identifying (making anonymous) their data through what's called the Crosswalk process and housing this data at the NB Institute of Research, Data & Training.
We have created this video to explain this complex process as clearly as possible. You may have to watch it a few times. :) Moving forward in our province many government decisions will be made based on the research that comes out of the NB-IRDT. It is very important that our NPO information is included in these decisions. We owe it to the people we serve and the issues we are addressing.
NB-IRDT is one of the most data secure facilities in the country. If a researcher wants to access the data we have provided to NB-IRDT, we will have the opportunity to approve or not approve the use of our data for that research. |
NB-IRDT will also help us with the required data sharing/privacy agreements.
Here are some great examples of how non-profits use their data to improve programming & measurement.
Data vizualization example of how the Civic Tech team did an analysis on how much it would cost to have NO POVERTY in our province. (click here)
Civic Tech volunteers looked at the role our transit system plays in social isolation of older adults. Could your organization benefit from knowing where the majority of seniors will live in 10 years? Meals on Wheels sure did! (click here to watch the video)
Data is helping one small charity ‘work smarter’: COPE Scotland, by helping them manage their wait times more efficiently, increase the accessibility of their services, and integrate client feedback into service delivery and program implementation.
An independent Scottish charity supporting single parents and families living in disadvantaged circumstances utilizes data to support internally as well as externally generated goals and objectives. Developing data capability in a local charity: Fife Gingerbread, optimizes service delivery, performance and impact evaluations, and establishes an evidence-based voice for public policy advocacy.
Using data to enhance volunteer management and the volunteer experience: Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) has increased their overall capacity and ability to effectively deliver their frontline services to individuals and caretakers with relevant conditions by optimizing the data of over 2000 volunteers.
Minnesota philanthropy turns to data to identify and solve problems, providing evidence-based data to back up the lived experiences of their community. Funded meal programs were expanded by millions of meals by identifying participation gaps geographically, and low life expectancy rates to advocate for improved access to community resources to increase the health of the community.
Data vizualization example of how the Civic Tech team did an analysis on how much it would cost to have NO POVERTY in our province. (click here)
Civic Tech volunteers looked at the role our transit system plays in social isolation of older adults. Could your organization benefit from knowing where the majority of seniors will live in 10 years? Meals on Wheels sure did! (click here to watch the video)
Data is helping one small charity ‘work smarter’: COPE Scotland, by helping them manage their wait times more efficiently, increase the accessibility of their services, and integrate client feedback into service delivery and program implementation.
An independent Scottish charity supporting single parents and families living in disadvantaged circumstances utilizes data to support internally as well as externally generated goals and objectives. Developing data capability in a local charity: Fife Gingerbread, optimizes service delivery, performance and impact evaluations, and establishes an evidence-based voice for public policy advocacy.
Using data to enhance volunteer management and the volunteer experience: Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) has increased their overall capacity and ability to effectively deliver their frontline services to individuals and caretakers with relevant conditions by optimizing the data of over 2000 volunteers.
Minnesota philanthropy turns to data to identify and solve problems, providing evidence-based data to back up the lived experiences of their community. Funded meal programs were expanded by millions of meals by identifying participation gaps geographically, and low life expectancy rates to advocate for improved access to community resources to increase the health of the community.